Ever wonder where you could grab branded items for a cheap
price? Well I would like to introduce you to Westegg.co!
As someone who loves thrift shopping, I’m always looking for
new places to purchase branded things for a cheaper price. And I finally found
a reliable place to get these things.
Have you ever heard of Westegg? A platform where you can get
branded and designer items for a fraction of its original price and is authentic! Curious on what great
deals you could get? Check out the website.
I have discovered super cool items from my favorite brands
at really low prices and I can assure you that the quality will not disappoint.
This website will help you get your hands on items of excellence without having
to fret over its price, it’s completely guilt free. You could easily browse through
a range of products and look for something you want and get it for a discounted
price of up to 80% off. Westegg is a growing platform and so far it already has
125 brands on their website and counting …
There’s always the chance for you to become their web model by
simply posting a picture of yourself on instagram with an item of your purchase
using the hashtag #becomethemodel
My favorite item from their web would be this topshop disc
choker with embellishment. I created a
look inspired by the music festival Coachella along with some items that I will
list down below.

Choker: Topshop
Sunglasses: Rayban
Bag: Street Level